Xiaofang Zhou
The University of Queensland, Australia
"Spatial Trajectory Analytics: Past, Present and Future"
Abstract: Spatial trajectory analytics involves a wide range of research topics including data management, query processing, data mining and recommendation systems for spatiotemporal data. It can find many applications in intelligent transport systems, location-based systems, urban planning and smart city. New opportunities arise with massive and rapidly increasing volumes of high quality spatiotemporal data from many sources such as GPS devices, mobile phones and social media applications. In this talk we will discuss new research problems and new approaches for trajectory computing research.
Short Bio: Professor Xiaofang Zhou is a Professor of Computer Science at The University of Queensland, leading the Data Science Research Group at UQ. His research focus is to find effective and efficient solutions for managing, integrating and analyzing very large amount of complex data for business, scientific and personal applications. He has been working in the area of spatial and multimedia databases, data quality, high performance database systems, data mining, streaming data analytics and recommendation systems. He is a Program Committee Chair for VLDB 2020, ICDE 2013, CIKM 2016 and a General Chair of ACM Multimedia 2015. He has been an Associate Editor of The VLDB Journal, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, World Wide Web Journal, Distributed and Parallel Databases, and IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. He is the current Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering (TCDE), and a Fellow of IEEE.

Tok Wang Ling
National University of Singapore, Singapore
"Data Models Revisited: Improving the Quality of Database Schema Design, Integration and Keyword Search with ORA-Semantics"
Abstract: The concepts of object class, relationship type, and attribute of object class and relationship type, are the three basic concepts in Entity Relationship Model. They are termed ORA-semantics. In this talk, we first recall the limitations of the relational model and XML data model. One serious limitation of these database models is their inability to explicitly represent object classes and relationship types together with their attributes in their schema languages. In fact, these data models have no concepts of ORA-semantics. Without knowing the ORA-semantics in the databases, the quality of some database areas are low. In this talk, we will show that how ORA-semantics can be used to improve the quality significantly in database schema design, data and schema integration, and XML and RDB keyword search. We first present some restrictions in the relational model such as limitations in normalization theory and the use of Universal Relation Assumption in Relational Model. We then briefly describe and compare the 3 common relational database schema design methods, i.e. decomposition method, synthesizing method, and ER Approach. In data and schema integration, entity resolution is widely studied. However, we must also consider relationship resolution which is rarely-mentioned; this is to identify different relationship types between/among same object classes. We also need to differentiate between primary key vs object identifier (OID), local vs global OID, local vs global functional dependency, semantic dependency vs FD/MVD, and schematic discrepancy among schemas. All these concepts are related to ORA-semantics and they have big impact on the quality of the integrated database and schema. We then present same restrictions in the XML data model such as it cannot represent OID of any object class and cannot explicitly capture relationship types, etc. Existing XML keyword search approaches are all LCA-based; they only rely on the structural features but not the hidden ORA-semantics in XML document. Existing RDB keyword search approaches are all based on foreign key-key reference and minimal connected subgraph which contains all the query keywords. We identify some serious problems of the existing XML and RDB keyword search approaches such as interpret the meaning of an answer, meaningless answer, missing answer, schema dependent answer, etc. We exploit the ORA-semantics in XML data and RDB to improve the correctness and completeness of XML and RDB keyword search. We conclude this talk with suggestions on further research topics on schema integration and keyword searches in relational databases and XML databases.
Short Bio: Dr. Tok Wang LING is a professor in Computer Science Department at the National University of Singapore. He was Head of IT Division, Deputy Head of the Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, and Vice Dean of the School of Computing of the University. He received his PhD and M.Math, both in computer science, from University of Waterloo (Canada) and B.Sc. (1st class Hons) in Mathematics from Nanyang University (Singapore). His current research interests include Database Modeling, Entity-Relationship Approach, Object-Oriented Data Model, Normalization Theory, Semi-Structured Data Model, XML Twig Pattern Query Processing, XML and Relational Database Keyword Query Processing, Temporal Database keyword Query Processing. He serves/served on the steering committees of 5 international conferences, was the SC Chair of both ER and DASFAA, and currently is the SC Chair of BigComp. He served as Conference Co-chair of 12 international conferences, including ER 2004, DASFAA 2005, SIGMOD 2007, VLDB 2010, BigComp 2015, and ER 2018. He served as Program Committee Co-chair of 6 international conferences, including DASFAA 1995, ER 1998, ER 2003, and ER 2011. He received the ACM Recognition of Service Award in 2007, the DASFAA Outstanding Contributions Award in 2010, and the Peter P. Chen Award in 2011.

Il-Yeol Song
Drexel University Philadelphia, USA
"Smart Aging: Topics, Applications, Technologies, and Agenda"
Abstract: Aging is a rapidly growing social problem in the developed world. It is critically important to mitigate the effects of aging, improve elderly people’s life, and improve overall quality of healthcare environments. Smart aging addresses those challenges by intelligently utilizing modern biomedical, digital healthcare, big data computing & analytics, IOT, and communication technologies. In this talk, I will first review several innovative R&D projects and services for smart aging. I will then present a comprehensive review of various research activities on smart aging from the content analysis of public web pages and the web pages of NIH funded research projects related to smart aging. I will then cover recent developments in big data technologies for smart health, including healthcare data warehouses, data lakes and big data analytics. I will conclude my talk with a summary of suggestions on smart aging projects and research topics in smart aging.
Short Bio: Dr. Il-Yeol Song is professor in the College of Computing and Informatics of Drexel University. He served as Deputy Director of NSF-sponsored research center on Visual & Decision Informatics (CVDI) between 2012-2014. His research topics include conceptual modeling, data warehousing, big data management & analytics, and smart aging. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist and an ER Fellow. He is the recipient of 2015 Peter P. Chen Award in Conceptual Modeling. Dr. Song published over 200 peer-reviewed papers in data management areas. He is a co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE) and Consulting Editor for Data & Knowledge Engineering. He won the Best Paper Award in the IEEE CIBCB 2004. He won four teaching awards from Drexel, including the most prestigious Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award. Dr. Song served as the Steering Committee chair of the ER conference between 2010-2012. He delivered a keynote speech on big data at the First Asia-Pacific iSchool Conference in 2014, ACM SAC 2015 conference, ER2015 Conference, EDB 2016, and A-LIEP 2016 Conference.

Costas Lambrinoudakis
University of Piraeus, Greece
"The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) era: Ten steps for compliance of Data Processors and Data Controllers - What about the Users ?"
Abstract: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)) aims at harmonizing the legal framework for the Protection of Personal Data in the EU and, at the same time, strengthening the current regime for the protection of personal data for natural persons. GDPR extends the scope of existing legislation to all EU or non-EU controllers who process personal data of citizens of the EU member states and imposes compliance on a sufficiently rigorous legislative framework. The Regulation requires controllers to take all appropriate organizational, procedural and technical measures in order to achieve privacy by default compliance and the satisfaction of all privacy protection principles during the system design (privacy by design). The ultimate goal is to reduce the risks of different probability of occurrence and seriousness for the rights and freedoms of natural persons from processing, taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing. We will present the ten basic steps that an organization should follow in order to achieve compliance with the requirements of the Regulation.
Short Bio: Dr. Costas Lambrinoudakis holds a B.Sc. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) from the University of Salford (1985), an M.Sc. (Control Systems) from the University of London (Imperial College -1986), and a Ph.D. (Computer Science) from the University of London (Queen Mary and Westfield College - 1991). Currently he is a Professor at the Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece. From 1998 until 2009 he has held teaching position with the University of the Aegean, Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, Greece. For the period 2012-2015 he was a member of the board of the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy, while from 2016 he serves on the board of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority. Finally from 2015 he is Head of the Department of Digital Systems and Director of the Systems Security Lab. His current research interests are in the areas of Information and Communication Systems Security and of Privacy Enhancing Technologies. For many years he is working on issues related to the protection of personal data and the compliance of information systems to the National and European Legislation. He is an author of more than 100 scientific publications in refereed international journals, books and conferences, most of them on ICT security and privacy protection issues. He has served as program committee chair of 15 international scientific conferences and as a member on the program and organizing committees in more than 150 others. Also he participates in the editorial board of two international scientific journals and he acts as a reviewer for more than 35 journals. He has been involved in many national and EU funded R&D projects in the area of Information and Communication Systems Security.

Roland Traunmüller
University of Linz, Austria
"Knowledge in Government: New Directions"
Short Bio: Roland Traunmüller is Professor Emeritus with the Institute for Informatics in Business and Government at Linz University, Austria. Prof. Traunmüller has worked in the field of Information Systems and applications of information technology in Government for three decades. In Austria Prof. Traunmüller heads the Forum e-Government, in Germany he is member of the steering body e-Government within the German Computer Society. Within DEXA Prof. Traunmüller founded in 2002 the EGOV conference series as annual meeting of the European R&D Community. In addition he has been involved in various consulting activities and boards on the national and international level (Ministries, EU, UNO, and UNESCO). In recognition of his work official acknowledgements have come in. In recognition of his work official acknowledgements have come in. So for founding the e-Government R&D Community he got 2006 the "Prometheus" - an Award dedicated by the North-American Society on Digital Government and by the European Community for e-Government. He also got the Roland Wagner Award - an international award on computers helping people with special need. Lately the Republic of Austria honoured the Life-work of Prof. Traunmüller with awarding to him the Big Silber Medal of the Republic Austria.