Authors: (before June 10th): 540 Euro
Additional paper fee: 270 Euro
Reduced Fee (members of Universities, PC-members):
- before 31.7.11: 590 Euro
- after 31.7.11: 650 Euro
Normal Fee:
- before 31.7.11: 650 Euro
- after 31.7.11: 700 Euro
Students (NO authors): 200 Euro incl. lunches (no proceedings, no social events)
The payment of the registration fees covers admittance to all sessions of the entire DEXA-Event, one copy of Proceedings (containing the author's paper), Lunches, Refreshments, and Social Events.
In case of cancellation of your registration:
- up to 3 weeks before the event: the full registration fee (less charges)
- up to one week before the event: 70% of registration fee
will be refunded.
Note: the author's registration fee can NOT be refunded, NO proceedings will be shipped.
Bank account:
DEXA 2011
account no. 5.727.276
Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich
Zweigstelle Biesenfeld, A-4040 Linz
IBAN AT36 3400 0000 0572 7276