Social Events
Monday, August 29, 2011
17:30 - Official Opening of DEXA 2011
Prof. Gilles Fourtanier, President of Paul Sabatier University
Prof. Michel Daydé, Director of IRIT
Prof. Abdelkader Hameurlain, Dexa 2011 General Chairman
Prof. A Min Tjoa, Vice-President of DEXA Association
Prof. Klaus-Dieter Schewe, DEXA 2011 Program Chairman
18:00 - Welcome Reception at IRIT
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
19:00 - Reception in the city hall of Toulouse - Le Capitol, Salle des Illustres
Thursday, September 1, 2011
20:00 - Conference Dinner in the "Hotel Dieu Saint Jaques", Pont Neuf - 2 rue Viguerie, 31052 TOULOUSE CEDEX
The Hotel Dieu Saint Jaques accommodates a museum for the history of medicine. It has been declared a UNESCO world cultural heritage in the year 2000.
The dinner will take place in some of the historic halls, "La salle des Colonnes" and "La salle des Pèlerins" from the mid-19th century.