Call for Papers - ICT-GLOW 2011
1st International Conference on ICT as Key Technology for the Fight against Global Warming - ICT-GLOW 2011
Toulouse, France
August 29 - September 2, 2011
Reduction of CO2-emissions is a topic of outmost importance for the society. The ICT sector is a relevant contributor to CO2 emissions and global warming due to its tremendous presence in our everyday life but more importantly it is a key technology for the fight against Global Warming in all other sectors.
Therefore the issues to be addressed in this conference are twofold:
On the one hand, issues on the potential of ICT as enabler for the reduction of CO2-emissions pertinent to industry, regions, organizations and the society will be considered.
On the other hand, issues on the urgent need of hardware and software systems which are designed and operated in an energy-aware way and which steadily monitor and optimize their energy consumption will build another focus of the conference.
The First International Conference on ICT as Key Technology for the Fight against Global Warming (ICT-GLOW’11) aims at providing an interdisciplinary scientific forum for in-depth- discussions on the reduction of the carbon footprint in the different sectors including ICT systems itself.
Emphasis within the ICT-sector is laid on holistic and far-reaching approaches for green and eco-friendly ICT-systems.
The conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from multiple disciplines ranging from green maturity models in organizations to system level design and optimization.
The special track on Cloud Computing for Public Sector (CCPS) held in parallel with the general conference provides researchers and practitioners in the areas related to Cloud Computing for the public sector a forum for discussion as well as a paltform for presentation of their works to a broader audience. The special track is an integral part of the conference. More information and the call for papers of the special track is available at
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Modeling for energy awareness, e.g.:
- Green and key performance indicators
- Load, heat, and resource modeling
- Energy-related metrics such as energy-delay, power usage effectiveness
- Energy efficiency vs. performance, cost, reliability, usability, security trade offs
- Energy-related metrics such as energy-delay, power usage effectiveness
- Techniques and standards such as ACPI, APM, DPRM
Simulation of energy aware solutions, e.g.:
- Simulation tools
- Simulations techniques
- Simulation environments
- Simulation of energy systems
- Simulation of building systems
- Climate simulation
- E-mobility simulation
- Traffic simulation as tool for low carbon policies
- Regional planning
- Recycling efficiency
Benchmarking for energy awareness, e.g.:
- Process benchmarking
- Architecture benchmarking
- Technology benchmarking
Measurement, monitoring and optimization, e.g.:
- Monitoring tools and techniques
- Facility monitoring
- energy-demand reduction techniques
- Solutions for alternative energy sources
Energy aware hardware design and methodologies, e.g.:
- Energy aware system and multi-core architecture
- Green architectures for next generation systems
- Energy aware technologies and digital circuits
- Energy aware Logic and microarchitecture design
Energy aware software design and optimization, e.g.:
- Energy aware system level software (e.g. compilers, hypervisors and programming environments)
- Energy aware CAD and design tools
- Energy aware system design and methodologies
- Application level optimization
- Energy aware algorithms
- Scheduling and management
- Gaming
Energy aware networking, e.g.:
- Energy aware access networks
- Energy aware optical transport
- Energy aware peer-to-peer networking and overlays
- sensor networks for energy awareness
- Energy aware network components
Energy aware application and services, e.g.:
- Evaluation and modification of business processes to become greener
- Service management
- Service design
- Service provisioning
- Service composition
Enterprise and organization, e.g.:
- Sustainability and life-cycle analysis
- Business models and opportunities
- Energy aware technology selection and evaluation
- Green and sustainable maturity models
- Best practices and experinces
- Organizational awareness and responsibility
- Sustainable supply chain management
Governance and beyond, e.g.:
- Auditing
- Certificates
- Risk management
- Compliance to legal regulations
- Practical energy technologies for the developing and under developed world
Economics of Energy aware ICT, e.g.:
- Carbon foot print calculation
- Total impact of ownership (TIO) and total cost of ownership (TCO)
- Cost savings, through energy savings
- accounting of energy consumption
Energy aware computing platforms including cloud computing:
- Thermal aware data center and cloud design
- Green Data Centers and power grids
- Virtual Power Stations
- Smart Grids
- Cooling and energy-management issues and design, including use of renewable energy sources, free air cooling and higher operation temperature
- Energy aware capacity planning and site selection
- Datacenter techniques (e.g., blade servers, low-power CPUs)
- Virtualization, consolidation, clustering and workload management
- Energy aware resources utilization
- Energy aware techniques for PaaS/IaaS/SaaS/DaaS
- Hardware and software solutions for energy efficiency in large-scale distributed and networked systems
Applications for energy aware behavior, e.g.:
- Teleworking
- Remote collaboration
- Tele-Conferences
Security, privacy and Reliability, e.g.:
- Security challenges in energy aware computing and networking
- Reliability and power management
- Submission of abstracts: March 18, 2011 ---- extended to April 18 !!!
- Submission Deadline: March 25, 2011 ------- deadline extended to April 26 !!! (last extension!!!!)
- Notification of acceptance: May 13, 2011
- Camera-Ready copy of accepted papers due: June 10, 2011
Authors are invited to electronically submit original research contributions or experience reports in English.
- The submitted manuscript should closely reflect the final paper as it will appear in the Proceedings.
- The submitted manuscript must be submitted in pdf in LNCS format (
- The length of submitted manuscripts should not exceed 15 pages.
- Any submission that significantly exceeds length limits or deviates from formatting requirements may be rejected without review.
For paper registration and electronic submission see
Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition.
Duplicate submissions are not allowed. Authors are expected to agree to the following terms: "I understand that the paper being submitted must not overlap substantially with any other paper that I am a co-author of and that is currently submitted elsewhere. Furthermore, previously published papers with any overlap are cited prominently in this submission."
Duplicate submissions will be rejected immediately without review. Questions about this policy or how it applies to your work should be directed to the PC-chairs.
Accpeted Papers:
All accepted conference papers will be published in a volume of "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) by Springer Verlag.
DEXA reserves the right to accept papers only as short papers (up to 8 pages). Short papers will tend to be descriptions of interesting, innovative ideas, which nevertheless require more work to mature. Authors of all accepted papers must sign a Springer copyright release form.
For further inquiries, please contact the Conference Organisation Office (
Conference Program Chairpersons:
- Dieter Kranzlmüller, LMU & LRZ München, Germany
- A Min Tjoa, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Program Committee:
Amir Abtahi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Gul A Agha, University of Illinois, USA
Ishfaq Ahmad, The University of Texas Arlington, USA
Lachlan Andrew, Swinburne University of Technology-Melbourne, Australia
Cosimo Anglano, Università del Piemonte Orientale-Alessandra, Italy
Rami Bahsoon, University of Birmingham, UK
Luciano Bertini, Universidade Federal Flumiense, Brazil
Riccardo Bettati, Texas A&M University, USA
Davide Careglio, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Jian-Jia Chen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Jinjun Chen, Swinburne University of Technology-Melbourne, Australia
Ayse Kivilcim Coskun, Boston University, USA
Thiery Coupaye, Orange Lab, France
Georges Da Costa, IRIT Toulouse, France
Marco Di Girolamo, Hewlett-Packard Company, Italy
Dominique Dudkowski, NEC Europe, Germany
Carla Schlatter Ellis, Duke University, USA
Paulo Ferrao, MIT Portugal, Portugal
Karl Fuerlinger, LMU Munich, Germany
Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College London, UK
Afitya K. Ghose, University of Wollongong, Australia
Keishiro Hara, Osaka University, Japan
Helmut Hlavacs, University of Vienna, Austria
Chun-Hsi (Vincent) Huang, University of Connecticut, USA
Herbert Huber, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), Garching, Germany
Karin Anna Hummmel, University of Vienna, Austria
Farook Khadeer Hussain, Curtin University, Australia
Omar Hussain, Curtin University, Australia
Vipul Jain, Indian Institute of Mechanical Engineering, India
Wolfgang Kabelka, Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH, Austria
Vincent Keller, EPFL, Switzerland
Samee U. Khan, North Dakota University, USA
Harald Kosch, Universität Passau, Germany
Thomas Ledoux, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
Laurent Lefèvre, INRIA, University of Lyon, France
Hector G. Lopez-Ruiz, Transport Economics Laboratory,
Yung-Hsiang Lu, Purdue University, USA
Thomas Ludwig, Deutsches Klimazentrum, Germany
Jaime Lloret Mauri, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Michele Mazzucco, University of Tartu, Estonia
Jean-Marc Menaud, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
Arthur Mickoleit, OECD, France
Hiroyuki Morikawa, Uiversity of Tokyo, Japan
Daniel Mossé, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Binh Thanh Nguyen,International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
Svetoslav Novkov, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Sebastian Oberthür, Free University of Brussels, Brussels
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Cathryn Peoples, University of Ulster, UK
Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Mario Pickavet, University Gent, Belgium
Jean-Marc Pierson, University of Toulouse, France
Wojciech Piotrowicz, University of Oxford, UK
Massimo Poncino, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Rastin Pries, University of Würzburg, Germany
Gang Qu, University of Maryland at College Park, USA
Sanjay Ranka, University of Florida, USA
Martino Ruggiero, University of Bologna, Italy
Brahmananda Sapkota, University of Twente, Netherlands
Toshinori Sato, Kyushu University, Japan
Erich Schikuta, University of Vienna, Austria
Hartmut Schmeck, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
Edwin Sha, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Anastasious Stamou, University of Athens, Greece
Amirreza Tahamtan, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Makoto Takizawa, Seikei University, Japan
Domenico Talia, Università Della Calabria, Italy
Frank Teuteberg, Universität Osnabrück, Germany
Jordi Torres, University of Catalonia, Spain
Gregg Vesonder, ATT,
Vladimir Vlassov, KTH, Sweden
Matijin Warnier, University of Delft, Netherlands
Rongbo Zhu, South-Central University for Nationalities, China
Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia
to be completed