
6th International Workshop on Flexible Database and Information System Technology (WS FlexDBIST'11 )


    2011-08-30 [09:00 - 10:00] : Session 1: Security and Privacy

  • Challenges and Limitations in Current Botnet Detection
    Felix Brezo, Igor Santos, Pablo G. Bringas, Jose Luis Del Val

  • Security and Privacy in Smart Grid Infrastructures
    Alessandro Barenghi, Gerardo Pelosi


    2011-08-30 [10:00 - 10:30] : Coffee Break


    2011-08-30 [10:30 - 12:00] : Keynote Talk

    Session Chair : Abdelkader Hameurlain

  • Patrick Valduriez, INRIA and LIRMM, Montpellier, France

    Title: "Principles of Distributed Data Management in 2020?"


    2011-08-30 [12:00 - 14:00] : Lunch


    2011-08-30 [14:00 - 15:30] : Session 2: Opinion Mining, Data Mining and OLAP

  • Twitter for Sentiment Analysis: When Language Resources Are Not Available
    Alexander Pak, Patrick Paroubek

  • Mining context-aware preferences on relational and sensor data
    Davide Beretta, Elisa Quintarelli, Emanuele Rabosio

  • Record Linkage in Data Warehousing: State-of-the-Art Analysis and Research Perspectives
    Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Laura Puglisi


    2011-08-30 [15:30 - 16:00] : Coffee Break


    2011-08-30 [16:00 - 17:30] : Session 3: Query Processing and Database Integrity

  • XQConverter: A System for XML Query Analysis
    Jakub Starka, Mlynkova Irena, Jiri Schejbal

  • Mapping Physical Objects to Digital Functions: A Tangible Interface for Querying and Navigating a Multimedia Database
    Fabio Pittarello, Riccardo Stecca

  • On The Performance Of Database Query Processing Algorithms On Flash Solid State Disks
    Ilia Petrov, Daniel Bausch, Alejandro buchman

  • Flexible Repairs for Improving the Integrity of Databases
    Hendrik Decker