
1st International Workshop on Data, Logic and Inconsistency (Workshop DALI'11 )


    2011-08-31 [08:50 - 09:00] : Welcome

  • Welcome to DALI 2011


    2011-08-31 [09:00 - 10:00] : Session 1: Paraconsistent Logics

  • Paraconsistent Inference from Data using Existential Omega-Entailment
    Michael Kassoff, Michael Genesereth

  • Some Observations on the Systems LFI1 and LFI1*
    Hitoshi Omori, Toshiharu Waragai


    2011-08-31 [10:00 - 10:30] : Coffee Break


    2011-08-31 [10:30 - 12:00] : Keynote Talk

    Session Chair : Steven Liddle

  • Bernhard Thalheim, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany

    Title: "The Science of Conceptual Modelling"


    2011-08-31 [12:00 - 14:00] : Lunch


    2011-08-31 [14:00 - 15:30] : Session 2: Applications

  • Measuring Inconsistency in Network Intrusion Rules
    Kevin McAreavey, Weiru Liu, Paul Miller

  • Intuitionistic Description Logic and Legal Reasoning
    Edward H. Haeusler, Valéria de Paiva, Alexandre Rademaker

  • Bounded Rationality for Data Reasoning based on Formal Concept Analysis
    Gonzalo A. Aranda-Corral, Joaquín Borrego-Díaz, Juan Galán-Páez


    2011-08-31 [15:30 - 16:00] : Coffee Break


    2011-08-31 [16:00 - 17:00] : Session 3: Probabilistic and Argumentation-based Logics

  • Handling various forms of inconsistency in possibilistic logic
    Didier Dubois, Henri Prade

  • A first attempt to allow enthymemes in persuasion dialogs
    Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr


    2011-08-31 [17:00 - 17:30] : Invited Talk

  • Invited Talk by Sebastian Link

    Reasoning about SQL constraints in S-3 fragments


    2011-08-31 [19:00 - 20:00] : Reception in the City Hall of Toulouse