International Workshop on Database Technology for Life Sciences and Medicine (Workshop DBLM'11 )
- Patrick Valduriez, INRIA and LIRMM, Montpellier, France
Title: "Principles of Distributed Data Management in 2020?"
- Integrating human genome variation data: an information system approach
Ainoha Martin, Matilde Celma - Novel Application of Qualitative Predictors: First Stage Calculation of Solvent Accessible Residues Using Complementary Protein Sequence Entropy and Other Parameters
Daniel Rose, Reecha Nepal, Radhika Mishra, Robert Lau, Shabnam Gholizadeh, Brooke Lustig - Flexible Specification of Data Models for Neuroscience Databases
Philipp L. Rautenberg, Thomas Wachtler - JGrid/FCC: A Tool for Efficient Knowledge Extraction from MRI scans
Christian Böhm, Annahita Oswald, Felix Sappelt - Analysing Stillbirth Data using Dynamic Self Organizing Maps
Sumith Matharage, Oshadi Alahakoon, Damminda Alahakoon, Indika Alahakoon, Kapurubandara S, Nayyar R